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EC-REACT Representative Actions Collaboration Tool

The Representative Actions Collaboration Tool, 'EC-REACT'

The Representative Actions Collaboration Tool, ‘EC-REACT’, is a secure and restricted electronic platform for information exchange across the EU on the representative actions as set up by Representative Actions Directive (EU) 2020/1828. For more information on representative actions please consult the European Commission website

This platform is developed, managed and hosted by the European Commission services, pursuant to Article 14(3) of the Representative Actions Directive. For any questions related to the functioning of the platform or support needs, please contact the support team at

What ‘EC-REACT’ is for?

The goal of EC-REACT is to support the good functioning of the representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers as set up by Directive (EU) 2020/1828. ‘EC- REACT’ allows:

- EU Member States to notify to the European Commission services the qualified entities designated to initiate cross-border representative actions;

- The European Commission services to consolidate and publish the EU list of notified qualified entities enabled to initiate cross-border representative actions;

- EU Member States and the European Commission services to cooperate as regards the compliance by qualified entities with their designation criteria as set out by Article 4(3) of Directive (EU) 2020/1828, and as regards other aspects of the functioning of the representative actions;

- Qualified entities designated to initiate domestic and cross-border representative actions to cooperate on their activities as foreseen by the Directive;

- Members of the judiciary of EU Member States and their administrative authorities to cooperate for the good functioning of representative actions across the EU;

- EU Member States to submit reports on the functioning of the representative actions to the European Commission services and the Commission services to consolidate this information into EU reports, pursuant to Article 23 of the same Directive. 

How to access ‘EC-REACT’? 

To access ‘EC-REACT’ you will need to log in with your EU Login account by clicking the ‘Login’ button below. Be aware that your EU Login account must be based on your personal professional e-mail address, using a corporate domain name. Anything else, like (non-personal) e-mail addresses from public e-mail providers, will be rejected.
Please kindly note that only representatives of EU Member States’ authorities and public bodies, members of their judiciary and representatives of the designated ‘qualified entities’ as foreseen by Article 4 of Directive (EU)2020/1828 will be granted access. On exceptional basis experts participating in EU funded projects may be also granted access. 

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