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EC-REACT Representative Actions Collaboration Tool

Cross-border Qualified Entities

List of qualified entities designated to bring ‘cross-border representative actions’

The authorities of the EU Member States concerned have designated the entities listed below as being qualified to bring cross-border representative actions under Article 4 paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 7 of Directive (EU) 2020/1828. __

As defined by Article 3 paragraph 7 of the Directive ‘cross-border representative action’ means a representative action brought by a qualified entity in a Member State other than that in which the qualified entity was designated.

The present list is created, constantly updated, and made public by the European Commission services based on notifications made by the EU Member States as foreseen by Article 5 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Directive.

As provided by Article 6 paragraph 3 of the Directive, courts and administrative authorities shall accept the present list as proof of the legal standing of the qualified entity to bring a cross-border representative action, without prejudice to the right of the court or administrative authority seised to examine whether the statutory purpose of the qualified entity justifies its taking action in a specific case.

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Female Consumer Club

Društvo Potrošačica
Dobra 1
51326  Vrbovsko

Informing, educating and counseling Croatian consumers; making an influence with a goal of achieving higher level of awareness of the importance and improvement of consumer protection in areas related to personal daily life and the services consumers use, in the areas of protection of different social and age categories, health protection, preservation of nature and the environment, sustainable development and in the areas of business and relationships; achieving social justice and respecting human rights and the dignity of the human person and family; networking with Croatian and international associations and organizations for consumer protection; actively participating in the creation and implementation of public policies and consumer protection laws of the Republic of Croatia as one of the priority policies of the European Union; promoting, protecting and representing the interests of consumer protection associations at the institutions of the Republic of Croatia and local and regional (area) self-government bodies; promoting volunteerism and organizing volunteer work in the Company; encouraging participatory democracies of consumers in decision-making.

FRANC - Association for consumer protection of users of financial services

FRANAK - Udruga za zaštitu potrošača korisnika financijskih usluga
Avenija Marina Držića 81 b
10000  Zagreb

Provision of preventive protection through consumer information and counseling; protection of consumer rights of users of credit and financial services and products; protection of consumers of loans with a currency clause and a variable interest rate contracted with credit institutions in the Republic of Croatia; improvement of legal and sub-legal regulations governing the business of providers and consumers of financial services and products for the purpose of protecting the economic rights of consumers; establishment of relations between providers and consumers of financial services and products that are harmonized with the positive legal regulations of the Republic of Croatia and the acquis of the EU; encouraging the development and improvement of the work of existing and new supervisory bodies responsible for consumer protection of users of financial services and products for the purpose of protecting the economic rights of consumers; encouraging networking and synergistic action of various organizational forms whose goals are consumer protection of users of financial services and products; development and encouragement of new models of providing financial services and products based on ethical principles.

Consumer Association of Međimurje

Društvo potrošača Međimurja
Trg Svetog Marka 2
40314  Selnica

Provision of preventive protection by means of informing and advising consumers of Međimurje County about their rights and obligations; providing assistance to the injured consumer in dealing with the trader; giving comments and suggestions when adopting regulations related to the area of ​​consumer protection; performing other tasks in the field of consumer protection.

Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development

Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja
Radnička cesta 80
10000  Zagreb
Fax : 00385/3717-149

The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of the Republic of Croatia  is the ministry in charge of the, among others:

-development of the economy,

-development of programs for the sustainable development based on the principle of a green and circular economy with the aim of transforming into a just and prosperous society with a resource-efficient and competitive economy, ensuring climate neutrality, preservation and sustainable use of natural resources

- development of industry,

- energy, trade, small and medium businesses, crafts

- consumer protection

- public procurement

- coordination and development of national policy in the field of standardization, accreditation, conformity assessment,  market competition, strategic goods stocks.

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministarstvo poljoprivrede
Ulica Grada Vukovara 78
10000  Zagreb
Fax : 00385/6109-201

​The Ministry of Agriculture performs administrative and other tasks in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, forestry, rural development, management and disposal of agricultural land owned by the state, agricultural policy, organization of the market for agricultural products, market and structural support in agriculture, food and tobacco industry, and veterinary medicine.

Regarding food industry, the Ministry performs administrative and other tasks related to health, hygiene, quality and labeling of food and animal feed, prevention of food waste, establishment and implementation of quality systems for agricultural and food products and organization of official controls.

Ministry of Tourism and Sport

Ministarstvo turizma i sporta
Prisavlje 14
10000  Zagreb

Ministry of Tourism and Sport performs administrative and other tasks related to, among others:

- the tourism policy of the Republic of Croatia, the Strategy for the Development of Croatian Tourism; development and investments in tourism; development of health, continental, nautical, congress, adventure, cultural, youth and other selective forms of tourism; improvement and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in tourism and catering; strategic support for improving and raising the quality of all forms of accommodation in tourism, support for investors and the promotion of sustainable tourism development, rehabilitation programs related to the restructuring of hotel and catering companies, monitoring and participation in the privatization process, development of digital tourism, development of tourism infrastructure, competitiveness of the tourism economy, support for the development of the education system in tourism through competence centers and the promotion of professions and education in tourism, encouraging innovation and creativity in tourism through support for the establishment of think tanks and business incubators in tourism, promoting the interests of Croatian tourism in the country and abroad; supervision of the system of tourist boards; tourism and hospitality statistics, development of sports,  proposing and implementing regulations on the organization and operation of sports, of sports clubs, associations and federations, financing of sports programs and sports development programs.

Ministry of Finance

Ministarstvo financija
Katančićeva 5
10000  Zagreb
Fax : +385 1 4922 583

The Ministry of Finance is accountable for the preparation and implementation of the Government's fiscal policy. Its goals are to contribute to stable economic growth and to the increase in prosperity, in quality of life and in employment for all Croatian citizens.


The Ministry of Finance performs administrative and other tasks related to, among others:

budget consolidation, making drafts of the system of financing public needs and local and regional self-government units;

state budget execution;

budget supervision;

development of the budget accounting and financial reporting systems;

management of the State Treasury;

production of analyses and monitoring of economic movements in the field of financial system, making propositions and implementing measures for the enhancement of the credit institutions and deposit insurance system, of the insurance system, of the system of capital market, investment funds and investor protection, payment system and system of supervision over financial institutions, supervision of financial institutions according to legislative powers;

tax system and tax policy, customs system and policy of customs and non-customs protection, organizing games of chance and prize-winning games;

undertaking measures for the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing; construction and maintenance of border crossings. 

Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure

Ministarstvo mora, prometa i infrastrukture
Prisavlje 14
10000  Zagreb

The Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure performs administrative and other tasks related to: internal and international maritime, nautical, road, rail, combined and air transport; cable cars and transport on internal waters with the infrastructure of these types of transport; planning, preparation and implementation of strategic documents and transport infrastructure projects, proposes a strategy for the development of all types of transport; protection of the sea from pollution from ships; seaports, maritime property and determination of maritime property boundaries, maritime insurance and maritime agencies; ports on inland waterways; land freight transport centers; airports; means of transport, except for those jobs that fall within the scope of work of other ministries and legal entities with public powers, electronic communications (telecommunications and radio communications) and postal services; inspection tasks: safety of navigation at sea, internal and international road traffic and roads, except for tasks from the scope of the Ministry of the Interior, safety of railway traffic, safety of cable cars, safety of navigation on inland waters.

Coastal Liner Services Agency

Agencija za obalni linijski pomorski promet
Ulica grada Antofagaste 6
21000  Split
Fax : 0038521/ 329-379

The Agency's activities include the following tasks: 

-performing all tasks related to the granting of concessions for state lines

-giving prior consent to decisions of county assemblies, municipal councils and city councils councils on county, inter-county and local lines,

- determining the seasonal and off-season navigation period,

- consolidation of sailing schedules,

- supervises the implementation of the provisions of the Law, and the concession contract, in relation to support and payment fees for concessions for state lines,

- proposes to the Government of the Republic of Croatia measures for the improvement and development of the public coastal liner maritime traffic,

- other tasks entrusted to the Agency by law.

The agency can at the request of the county, municipal or city council, with a fee, on the basis contract to also perform certain tasks from point 1 of this article for county, inter-county and local lines.

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries

Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrežne djelatnosti
Roberta Frangeša-Mihanovića 9 Street
10110  Zagreb
Fax : + 385 (0)1 700 70 70

The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries is the national regulatory authority for carrying out regulatory and other tasks within the scope and competences prescribed by the Electronic Communications Act, the Postal Services Act and the Act on Regulation of the Rail Services Market and the Protection of the Rights of Rail Passengers.
The Agency is an independent, autonomous and non-profit legal entity with public authority.

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Cyprus Consumer's Union and Quality of Life

Παγκύπρια Ένωση Καταναλωτών και Ποιότητας Ζωής
Prodromou Avenue 26, Strovolos
2063  Nicosia
Tel : +357 22313111
Fax : +357 22463077

The main purpose of the Association is to offer an organizational structure to all citizens of the Republic of Cyprus in their capacity as citizens-consumers without any kind of discrimination of sex, race, language, nationality, religion, political beliefs, etc. for their protection and assistance by any legal means and the protection and promotion of their right to a comfortable and healthy life in a healthy and sustainable developing environment, as well as other rights and well-understood agreements as they stem from Cypriot legislation, the European Acquis, International Law and their internationally recognized and guaranteed special rights as part of the International Consumer Movement.

Cyprus Consumers Association

Κυπριακός Σύνδεσμος Καταναλωτών
8, Acropolis Avenue, office 302
2006  Nicosia
Tel : +35722516112
Fax : +35722516118

Our mission, inter alia, is to safeguard the consumers’ rights and educate and represent the Cyprus consumers in all local and international relevant bodies dealing with consumer matters.

Toward this end we are

Monitoring the effective implementation of the legislation and regulations regarding consumer protection and consumer rights
Providing information on Cyprus law regarding consumer protection in accordance with the acquis communautaire
Providing information on consumers rights and responsibilities
Promote consumer education through its Adults Consumers Education Programme
Handling complaints by consumers on faulty, damaged or unsatisfactory quality of products and services
Providing a reading library on consumer publications such as WHICH (UK), Consumer Reports (USA), Consumer Choice (Ireland)
Issuing publications, such as ‘O Katanalotis‘, the association’s quarterly magazine, which is sent to its members free of charge, and other informative brochures
Providing Consumer-related services, lectures etc.
Conducting comparative market surveys aimed at providing vital information and insight to the consumers

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Consumer Ombudsman

Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500  Valby
Tel : 41715151

The Consumer Ombudsman is an independt authority that supervises that companies comply with the Marketing Act and other consumer protection legislation, especially from the point of view of consumers.

According to the Marketing Act, the main task of the Consumer Ombudsman is to ensure due observance of the law, specifically in the area of consumer rights.

Danish Medicines Agency

Axel Heides Gade 1
2300  Copenhagen S
Tel : +45 44889595

The remit of the Danish Medicines Agency is to authorise the marketing of pharmaceuticals that are proven to be effective and safe, to help ensure that public health insurance expenditure in connection with medical treatment is proportionate to the expected medical results, to oversee the pharmaceutical sector and the sector for manufacture of pharmaceutical equipment.

The Danish Medicines Agency authorises and inspects pharmaceutical companies and licenses medicinal products in the Danish market, monitors adverse reactions from medicinal products, authorises clinical trials, decides which medicines are eligible for reimbursement, monitors medical, devices available in Denmark and supervises adverse incidents involving medical devices, appoints proprietary pharmacists, organises the pharmacy structure and supervises pharmacies and retailers.

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
The Consumers’ Union of Finland

Kuluttajaliitto ry - Konsumentförbundet rf
Ritarikatu 1 B
00170  Helsinki
Tel : +358 9 454 22 121

The Consumers’ Union of Finland is a non-governmental and the only general consumer organisation in Finland safeguarding the interests of consumers, patients and clients of social services and health care. Its aims are to promote consumer and patient awareness and encourage them to further their interests nationwide through an active local consumer association network. Business as usual duties cover both national and international policy work, consumer education, and legal advice for consumers and patients. The organisation gives special attention to sustainable consumption and environmental protection.

Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority

Kilpailu- ja kuluttajavirasto
PL 5
00531  Helsinki
Tel : + 358 29 505 3000
Email: kirjaamo(at)

Kilpailu- ja kuluttajavirasto on olemassa kilpailu- ja kuluttajapolitiikan toteuttamista, markkinoiden toimivuuden varmistamista, kilpailulain ja EU:n kilpailusääntöjen täytäntöönpanoa, hankintalain sekä vesi- ja energiahuollon, liikenteen ja postipalvelujen alalla toimivien yksiköiden hankinnoista ja käyttöoikeussopimuksista annetun lain (erityisalojen hankintalaki) noudattamisen valvontaa sekä kuluttajan taloudellisen ja oikeudellisen aseman turvaamista varten.

Kilpailu- ja kuluttajavirastossa on kuluttaja-asiamies.


The purpose of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority is to implement competition and consumer policy, ensure the good functioning of the market, enforce competition law and EU competition rules, monitor compliance with the Procurement Act and the Act on procurements and concession contracts of entities operating in the water and energy supply, transport and postal services sectors (Special Sector Procurement Act), as well as to safeguard the financial and legal position of the consumer.

The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority has a Consumer Ombudsman.

Consumer Ombudsman

PL 5
00531  Helsinki
Tel : + 358 2950 53000

Kuluttaja-asiamiehenä toimii Kilpailu- ja kuluttajaviraston (KKV) kuluttaja-asioiden vastuualueen ylijohtaja.

Kuluttaja-asiamiehen tehtävänä on turvata kuluttajien asemaa ja valvoa kuluttajansuojalain ja useiden muiden kuluttajan suojaksi säädettyjen lakien noudattamista. Keskeisiä tehtäviä ovat elinkeinonharjoittajien markkinoinnin, sopimusehtojen ja perinnän lainmukaisuuden valvominen, kun kyse on kuluttajiin suunnatusta toiminnasta. Tavoitteena on, että yritys lopettaa lainvastaisen menettelynsä.


The Director of the Consumer Division of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority serves as the Consumer Ombudsman.

The Consumer Ombudsman’s primary duty is to safeguard the position of consumers and supervise compliance with the Consumer Protection Act and other laws on consumer protection. Key tasks include supervising the lawfulness of the marketing activities, contractual terms and payment collection of traders in business operations aimed at consumers. The aim is to stop businesses from engaging in unlawful practices.

Financial Supervisory Authority

PL 103, Snellmaninkatu 6
00101  Helsinki
Tel : +358 9 183 51
Email: kirjaamo(at)

Finanssivalvonnan toiminnan tavoitteena on finanssimarkkinoiden vakauden edellyttämä luotto-, vakuutus- ja eläkelaitosten ja muiden valvottaviksi säädettyjen vakaa toiminta, vakuutettujen etujen turvaaminen sekä yleinen luottamus finanssimarkkinoiden toimintaan.

Finanssivalvonta toimii Suomen Pankin yhteydessä.


The objective of the Financial Supervisory Authority’s activities is to enable balanced operations of credit institutions, insurance and pension companies and other supervised entities in stable financial markets. Their objective is also to protect the rights of the insured and foster public confidence in financial market operations.

The Financial Supervisory Authority operates in connection with the Bank of Finland.

Finnish Transport and Communication Agency

Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto
PL 320
00059   TRAFICOM
Tel : + 358 29 534 5000
Email: kirjaamo(at)

Liikenne- ja viestintävirasto on liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön hallinnonalalla toimiva keskushallinnon virasto, joka hoitaa liikenteen ja sähköisen viestinnän viranomaistehtäviä.


The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) is a central administrative agency operating in the administrative sector of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. It performs official functions relating to transport and electronic communications.

Fimea Finnish Medicines Agency

Lääkealan turvallisuus- ja kehittämiskeskus
PL 55
00034   FIMEA
Tel : + 358 29 522 3341
Email: kirjaamo(at)

Fimea valvoo lääkkeitä, lääkinnällisiä laitteita, veri- ja kudostuotteita, biopankkeja sekä kehittää lääkealaa. Viraston tehtäväkokonaisuuksiin kuuluvat lääkealan lupa- ja valvontatehtävät, tutkimus- ja kehittämistehtävät sekä lääketiedon tuottaminen ja välittäminen lääkehuollon ja lääkehoitojen vaikuttavuuden parantamiseksi.


Fimea regulates medicinal products, medical devices, blood and tissue products and biobanks and develops the pharmaceuticals sector. The Agency’s tasks include licensing and supervision in the pharmaceuticals sector, research and development as well as the production and dissemination of medicine information in order to improve the effectiveness of medicine supply and medicinal treatments.

National Supervisory Agency for Welfare and Health

Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lupa- ja valvontavirasto Valvira
PL 43
00521   Helsinki
Tel : + 358 295 209 111
Email: kirjaamo(at)

Sosiaali- ja terveysalan lupa- ja valvontavirasto on sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön alainen keskusvirasto, joka edistää ohjauksen ja valvonnan keinoin oikeusturvan toteutumista ja palvelujen laatua sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa sekä elinympäristön ja väestön terveysriskien hallintaa.


The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) operates in the administrative sector of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. It promotes legal protection and the quality of services in social welfare and health care as well as the management of health risks in the environment and population by means of guidelines and supervision.

Data Protection Ombudsman

PL 800
00531   Helsinki
Tel : + 358 29 566 6700
Email: tietosuoja(at)

Tietosuojavaltuutettu on suomalainen viranomainen, joka valvoo tietosuojalainsäädännön ja muiden henkilötietojen käsittelyä koskevan lainsäädännön noudattamista.


The Data Protection Ombudsman is a national supervisory authority which supervises compliance with data protection legislation and other legislation on the processing of personal data.

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Atka Association for Consumer Protection

Atka Fogyasztóvédelmi Egyesület
Béke u. 4
9721  Gencsapáti

Established under the Act on the Right of Association, whose objective specified in the statutes is the protection of consumer interests.

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Latvian National Association for Consumer Protection

Biedrība “Latvijas Patērētāju interešu aizstāvības asociācija”
Brīvības iela 55 - 432
LV-1519  Rīga
Tel : +371 29295520

Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of Latvian consumers, as well as promotion of their observance in various sectors of the economy and society as a whole, including providing support and assistance in solving consumer problems.

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Lithuanian Consumers Alliance

Vartotojų aljansas
-  Vilnius
Tel : +370 698 76444; +370 61135509
Fax : -

The organization carries out various information dissemination and training projects, participates in national legislative and strategic planning initiatives, carries out research, informs the media and the public about the most important consumer protection issues, and takes action to address them.

Lithuanian Consumers Alliance was appointed as a cross-border qualified entity.

State Consumer Rights Protection Authority

Valstybinė vartotojų teisių apsaugos tarnyba
Vilniaus str. 25
01402   Vilnius
Tel : +370 5 262 6751
Fax : -

The State Consumer Rights Protection Office has been appointed as a qualified entity for cross-border and domestic actions.

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Ius Omnibus

Ius Omnibus
Avenida 24 de Julho - Second Home Lisboa Mercado da Ribeira
1200-479  Lisboa
Tel : +351 910 977 799

The purpose of Ius Omnibus is to defend consumers in the European Union, in particular with a view to increasing consumer welfare and, in general, promoting the rule of law, the environment and the economy of the European Union. In pursuit of its aims, the association is empowered to perform all legal acts necessary for this purpose, including:
• Cooperate with the authorities of the Member States and the European Union whose competences directly or indirectly affect the interests and rights of consumers;
• Intervene, under the terms of the applicable laws, as an interested third party in administrative or judicial proceedings affecting the interests and rights of consumers;
• Promote the active participation of consumers in the promotion and defense of the association's aims;
• To the extent permitted by applicable laws, exercising the rights deriving from social partner status in matters concerning consumer policies, including representing consumers in public consultation and audit processes;
• To the extent permitted by the applicable laws, exercise the right to participate in the processes of regulating the prices of the supply of goods and services of general interest and request clarification on the tariffs charged and the quality of services;
• Reaching out-of-court settlements with persons who have violated consumer rights, with a view to ensuring compliance with the law and/or compensating consumers for damages suffered as a result of a violation of their individual and collective rights and/or interests;
• Promote and bring legal actions, or resort to alternative means of dispute resolution, to defend the collective and individual rights and interests of consumers in the European Union, to the extent permitted by the applicable laws, namely by resorting to "opt-in" or "opt-out" representative actions (including "popular action") or any other procedural means of defending diffuse rights and interests, collective or individual homogeneous rights and interests, the aim of which may be, among other things, to obtain a declaration of the existence of rights and obligations, the imposition of behavior and/or compensation for damages suffered by consumers as a result of a violation of their rights or interests.

DECO – Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection

DECO – Associação Portuguesa para a Defesa dos Consumidores
Rua de Artilharia Um, n.º 79 – 4.º
1269-160  Lisboa
Tel : +351 21 371 02 00
Fax : +351 21 371 02 99

The purpose of DECO is to defend the rights and legitimate interests of consumers, and to this end it can carry out all the activities appropriate to that end, including:
• Carrying out comparative analyses of the quality and prices of products and services on the market;
• Creating consumer consultation services;
• Informing members and the general public about its activities, and may promote the editing of publications, directly or through organizations or companies in which it participates;
• To develop professional training in the area of consumer affairs and transversal areas;
• To promote training and legal culture in the field of consumer law;
• To defend, promote and represent the collective and individual interests of consumers by all legal and judicial means at its disposal;
• To represent consumers individually in alternative dispute mechanisms;
• Promote the creation of support, information and out-of-court settlement services for consumer disputes;
• To promote the creation of support, information and negotiation mechanisms for situations of over-indebtedness.

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Association for the Protection of Citizens' Rights – AVES

Združenie na ochranu práv občana - AVES
Jána Poničana 9
841 07   Bratislava
Tel : + 421 907 908 869

Protection of rights and legitimate interests of consumer.

Association for the Protection of Citizens' Rights – AVES

Združenie na ochranu práv občana - AVES
Jána Poničana 9
841 07   Bratislava
Tel : + 421 907 908 869

Protection of rights and legitimate interests of consumers. 

Consumer protection organisation (SOS)

Spoločnosť ochrany spotrebiteľov (S.O.S.) Poprad
Bajkalská 2335/3
058 01  Poprad

Protection of rights and legitimate interests of consumers.

European Information Society Institute, o. z.

European Information Society Institute, o. z.
Štítová 1
040 01  Košice

Ochrana práv spotrebiteľov a ich oprávnených záujmov, a to napríklad rozvíjaním výchovno-vzdelávacích činností a informačnú činnosti pre spotrebiteľov, prispievaním k informovanosti spotrebiteľov, poskytovaním odborných konzultácií v rámci spotrebiteľského poradenstva, uskutočňovanie publikačnej a vydavateľskej činnosti vo veciach spotrebiteľských práv a ich ochrany, sprostredkovanie riešenia sporov medzi spotrebiteľmi a predávajúcimi a zastupovanie ich pred súdom, zúčastňovaním sa na tvorbe všeobecne-záväzných právnych predpisov vo veciach ochrany spotrebiteľa, podávaním podnetov orgánom štátnej správy, samosprávy a obciam v súvislosti s plnením ich úloh vo veciach ochrany spotrebiteľa. 


Protecting consumers’ rights and legitimate interests (for example, through the development of educational and information activities for consumers), helping to raise consumer awareness, providing specialist consultation as part of a consumer advisory service, publishing material relating to consumers’ rights and the protection thereof, mediating in the resolution of disputes between consumers and traders and representing consumers in court, helping to frame generally applicable legislation relating to consumer protection, and submitting suggestions to government departments and to local, regional and municipal authorities in connection with the performance of their consumer-protection tasks. 

Name of the entity Contact details Statutory purpose
Swedish Consumer Agency / Consumer Ombudsman

Konsumentverket / Konsumentombudsmannen
Box 48
651 02  Karlstad
Tel : +46 771 42 33 00

The Swedish Consumer Agency is a government authority responsible for consumer interests. The Consumer Ombudsman may bring a cross-border and domestic representative action for a redress measure.